Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to Motivate Yourself - Success Strategies to Keep You on Track - All of the Time

Learning to stay motivated and on track can make the difference between your success and failure when you are pursuing a goal or dream. If you are highly motivated you find yourself doing whatever it takes to get the job done, regardless of any difficulty may nakakaharap. If your motivation is not so high that you are apt to make excuses for yourself and others explaining why you can succeed.

Your job is to discover ways to keep yourself motivated. You may find yourself motivated to act on your dreams of a dynamic public speaker or a well written book, but that motivation is often short-lived. Of repeated exposure to the book or the speaker, your reasons for being motivated to begin to fade background noise of your everyday life. Please return to your comfort zone.

This is what many people do. They get a huge burst of motivation and get some action, but they do not renew motivation and that it begins to slide and narrow. As the motivating factors become less and less important to you, you are less and less willing to put up with any difficulty or challenge. It becomes easier for you to give up.

When your motivation levels go up and down like this you will find it difficult to make consistent progress toward your dreams.

The only true, reliable form of motivation is motivation that comes from within - self-motivation. You have to motivate yourself. You decide that your goal or dream is more important than any challenge or discomfort you are facing. You learn to act even though the challenge.

Here are some tips to help you maintain the level of motivation.

* Have a strong why - Motivating yourself to take action is easier when you have a strong enough reason to reach a goal. A burning desire to achieve something will cause you to get more than a different action that you or a hope is.
* Keep your dream in sight - If you focus too intently on the steps between you and your dream you will find yourself getting sidetracked by the perceived problems and challenges. Try to keep your eye on the results you want to create. It becomes easier for you to stay focused on important things.
* Focus on your dream throughout your day - a reminder tape or pictures of your goals on your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator. Carry a card with your goals written to you at all times. Be creative!

Keeping yourself motivated becomes easier the more you practice it and the stronger you are attached with succeeding. You can learn to create change in any area of your life when you understand and apply the success strategies.

To learn more about personal success and how you learn to manifest your dreams to reality I invite you to grab your free copy of the latter manifesting ebook now http://www.bobcrawfordonline . com Click now and you can start creating the life of your dreams today!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

7 Top Motivation Killers That Business Women Can Avoid

Women leaders in business must find a way to stay motivated to reach targets with or without external support. You may have to work alone in this effort and pursue professional opportunities. May be more aware of the ways it could be about to lose his motivation for understanding these murderers 7 top reasons that a business woman can learn to avoid or change.

1. Hoping to encourage others to you. If you need to motivate others to achieve their goals quickly you will not receive much support. People are busy, and few people take time to deliver consistently in other words the motivation they need. Gain leadership in its background and find a way to establish short and long term goals you will reach all the goals by itself.

2. Keep doing what you do not like. Few things are more motivated to make the continuation of the activities that really do not like to do. When you have a lot of skills and talents, do not waste precious time in life doing activities you do not like. Complete its obligations and if necessary go to the activities and adventures that you love and happy instead of struggling with the activities that are not excited to go.

3. Accept criticism from others to heart. It is common for others to share more negative than positive words. If you let you be discouraged when others criticize him or whatever you do, you will be down and out most of the time. Put everything you hear in perspective. You are not what others say, what you say to yourself. Positive self-talk and learn to speak the truth to your mind on a consistent basis for stifling the negative criticism that might come your way.

4. Dilate and increase your stress. When you do not complete the tasks to increase your stress. Procrastinating until the last minute or until the point when things really get out of hand is only one way to cause more problems in your life. Establish a timetable and face a difficult task, step by step. Doing things sooner than expected and relief and give yourself time to do their job properly.

5. Fail to have confidence in their decisions. If you constantly worry about decisions you make learning to look at all options available and review the pros and cons of each before making a decision. If you have time, not a hasty decision, but give yourself time to think about what is going to decide. If you have to quickly decide to go with the decision that will cause the least damage. Then take a course on decision making in order to feel better about the decisions that inevitably have to do.

6. Cede easily. One of the best ways to lose the motivation to be in the habit of leaving when things get difficult. Instead of quitting one learn self-discipline necessary to stick things to a close. Undoubtedly, you will face some very tedious tasks as a leader. But you can not drive if you can not finish. Deciding to achieve the objective and analyze the steps you should take to complete a task. Be prepared to get to the goal line or not undertake the task of leadership.

7. Keep bad habits. A habit is an action you do without thinking. To change a habit that has to be aware of their activities, and deliberately do something that changes the behavior. If you have a habit of telling you the negative things you have to consciously know that the free trade talk into something positive. If you have a habit of quitting has to change to create a habit of conduct. You can change habits, but like anything else worth can also be difficult to do, but as a leader who is worthy.

Learning how to stay motivated is an important skill for women in business leadership. Sometimes you can be doing things that are not aware that they have the motivation away. In recognition of the 7 areas in this article, you can increase your self-motivation and become a more successful career.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Learning to Motivate Yourself

Motivation plays an important role to attain success in life. Sometimes we get depressed when we find ourselves in certain situations. In such circumstances, there is need to maintain control of emotions and press harder excel in life. Here are some ways to motivate yourself:

1. Be aware that your needs and goals

One of the primary reasons for de-motivation is not clear about the end goal and therefore, absence of knowledge about the direction your career is taking. Review your goals, and create a comprehensive plan to reach where you want. Did your final goal is to push you to work harder and keep you motivated.

2. Read the stories and inspirational quotes

Spend some time reading inspirational literature, real life success stories and quotes etc. Such reading material not only gives you ideas to make things work for you in the face of adversities, but It also gives you strength and motivation to keep going.

3. Stop procrastinating

Laziness and procrastination are the primary causes of things behind and disappointment. Do not let it affect your job, ever. Stop procrastinating and thinking about completing your work quickly and focus on quality. This will not only improve your productivity but will also keep you motivated to achieve higher target.

4. Make the alliance work

Friendly relation ships work serves as great motivators. Allies work to provide the necessary support needed to grow and succeed. They act as confidants and Advisors, as needed. Besides that same place of employment gives them an edge on others because they are better used to understand your situation.

5. Think positive

Nothing can be more motivating than positive thoughts. Come what may, think positive. Try to find opportunities and learnings in disappointment. Keep yourself calm and composure and try to act as a solutions provider rather than a negative thinker. Positive thoughts gives you the right kind of spirit to fight the adversities and emerge as a winner.

The author is also a Motivational trainer. He has delivered many lectures on Motivational techniques in many universities. Some of his work is found in

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ways to inspire yourself on writing

Writing is a wonderful but sometimes difficult to do. Often it is very easy to not "make time" to write and no one will cause o. You have to motivate you. Here are three techniques that will help write.

Technique 1: Modify your internal dialogue

The main reason why a person is not writing the internal dialogue that run when you attempt to write. He usually takes the form of unreasonable questions as "What should I write? Or And my writing does not make any sense? Or What if my dream of writing is just silly? These issues make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. To hear you ask these questions you must immediately stop this pattern, replaced it with new questions as: "What kind of fun things to go wrong in my fictional world today and challenges that my main character overcome today?" This changes the focus from themselves to the world that you are writing about. This is very effective, since it eliminates the thoughts of doubt it is having a line and start thinking about writing.

Technique 2: The Carrot

There are common tools used to motivate people in all kinds of ways and there is no reason why you can not use these tools itself. I keep my Favorites liters of ice cream in a freezer with a note on it: "You write?" It is as simple as that. If I do not write I do not receive the reward. You can define a word or page goal you count, and then establish a reward for their achievement. And, writing is very important to establish a long line! You have to say something like: "If I write a page every day this week I'm taking myself out to dinner on Saturday to celebrate." And be sure to keep him. Do not write and not ice cream.

Technique 3: The Stick

As fun as this one is a technique that really works on two levels. Giving you a taste unpleasant task of cleaning the bathroom or organizing the garage. If you do not put your goal, then write this will be your punishment. I have used this technique and is really effective. And the interesting thing about how this technique works for me is that while I'm doing the task assigned me I am thinking of new ideas, scenarios and plots for my writing. For me, simple tasks that seem to take several hours to clear the mind and free me to think. So even if I lose I still win the challenge.

Writing is a very rewarding exercise. However, sometimes, can be a very difficult thing to do. Just put the words on paper and you have been doing since the age of four. So do not worry about anything and just write. The only way to get good at it, as with anything else, really do.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Motivate Yourself with the Right Song

Motivational using songs to help pump up yourself and get yourself in action is a great way to get out of a rut. We all have faced times during our work a goal which we do not feel like doing much. You can be very determined about your goals, but even then there are moments where you feel really unmotivated. This is normal. During these times, however, need to find ways to snap out of state. There are many ways you can do this and use music as a Motivational song is one of them. I'm sure you've heard songs that made you feel a certain way. Perhaps a love song that made you think a person. Perhaps there is a song that when you hear it, you can not help but get up and dance. This is the power of music.

By using some songs that get you taking action towards your goals, you can easily snap the times slowed down the progress of your goals. When you find a song that gets you in the right state, save it as your collection of songs motivation. Every time you feel down and unmotivated, listen to them to spring yourself back in action.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How to Motivate Sales Teams in a Tough Economy

Sellers have the hard today - not only are their customers and prospects more difficult to sell, but their companies have withdrawn many of the incentives they used to reward and motivate their performance. It began in December when many companies canceled their holiday parties and annual bonuses. It then remained as companies announced that they were not contributing to their 401K plans and raise or increase in the commissions would be delayed as well.

If the recession continues, it threatens to Squelch employee morale throughout the organization - from sales to customer service, all the way to the accounts. With little money for standard and raises the cost of living, many companies are rediscovering the benefits and impact that may have little extras.

Barger Sue Shell in The Wall Street Journal reports that companies as diverse as Discovery Communications, Intel, USAA and have rolled out such new benefits as the field of childcare, concierge services and free massages. Such perks seem extravagant in lean, but the employers say that the way to a top talent happy. "Although these benefits cost relatively little, but pack a big emotional wallop."

In fact, the most effective perks are not necessarily the priciest, said Carlos Bergfeld and Princess Calabrese in "Studies show that cash incentives not to retain an employee of the mind: Most people use the money to pay and then forget where it was." City, LA-based public relations firm JS Communications gives workers two free "I Do not Want to Get Out of Bed" days. Colorado's New Belgium Brewery, best known for its flagship Fat Tire ale, celebrates the one year anniversaries of employees by their custom bikes. "It is a few hundred dollars for the bike," says the company media director Bryan Simpson. "But it means much more."

This is good advice, and it shows the growing trend of the perks, the new increase. In my previous role as sales manager and V.P. of sales, I understand how recognition can mean much more to a representative of morality than just a cash bonus. Here are some inexpensive ideas you can begin implementing immediately that will have a major impact on the morale and performance:

1. Get a few of the trophies, as "the most new leads generated in a week," or "Revenue Leader of the week." Every Monday the award to the representative who led your team in this or other areas in the previous week. Believe me this week recognition goes a long way in moral up.

2. Buy a Blu-Ray Hi Def DVD player for the poet or employee of the month award. You can find them at Costco for $ 199. Buy it in advance and show it during the month - you get a lot of miles for just a few dollars.

3. Ask your employees to make suggestions about the bonuses that they would like. Choose one or two and offer them for the next few months.

I'm sure you can think of other bonuses that would have an impact on your sales team and other employees of the company. You do not have too much money to your employees motivated, but you need a little creative. Remember - just because you might not be able to resolve the contributions of your team, this does not mean you can not even motivate them in other ways.

Put your thinking cap on and find a way that fits within your budget and let your team know how important they are. The loyalty, safety, and the production you make are worthwhile.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Motivate Yourself Now - Three Inspirational Quotes

"So many of us are too difficult for ourselves what we accomplish or what we should have done. The first step is to forgive yourself for all the things you did not do that you should have, and all the things you do that you should not have. "

It is true that we are toughest on ourselves, we are our own biggest critic. We must learn to see what others see. Several times with other people telling us something positive about ourselves, and how many times we say! It is not. "By learning to value us and what we do, we have a better appreciation of our achievements.

"See the world and it is the people in your heart not your eyes, the image becomes more real."

It is easy to find in the world and the individuals who comprise the society and feel despair, many examples of negativity and hurt. The things seem more visible, we must look beyond, look harder and see positivity. It's all around us, perhaps when people spirits are low, we need to mirror it. The problem that takes us down yet, and it becomes more difficult to lift the spirit. Try to raise your awareness of good things that people do, they can be difficult to find but they are happening.

"Every day do something that you will inch closer to a better tomorrow".

A small task fulfilled each day is near you closer to the big goal. Trying to do everything at once requires a huge amount of motivation and energy, while small steps are much more achievable. Little and often is often the way to reach the success that seemed so distant when you started.

Paul Parkin - Online counselor, therapist & Life coach

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

How to Motivate Yourself on Achieving Home Based Business Success?

It is true what people say that in view of a home based business success you need to know exactly what you're doing and what are the proper steps to reach. I agree with this statement and understand that you need to know what you do to achieve success. But what you do is not the only thing that will help you to succeed, because the motivation is there for you from getting up. In this article you would discover many reasons why the motivation is as powerful as it is a home based business and the success with it.

The strength of motivation is not known to many people and this is the reason why many people are confused in a home based business and focus on the knowledge of the technical issues first. The truth is that if you are not motivated to learn you will not be able to learn what you need to know to be successful. But the motivation needed to go will be successful eventually in time.

Success is a process that takes time and is the reason why you should be motivated to keep going. There are so many people give up because they are the technical issues, but I'm not motivated to learn and apply themselves to their business. Put it this way, I prefer someone who is motivated and has no idea what they are doing at first then someone who knows everything, but has no motivation.

Once you are able to realize and understand that the key to success is to just keep going and not give up, no matter how hard things you will succeed.

Want to know more about my home based business online? I have just a new marketing system.

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to Get Motivated and Love Your Job Again

Remember your first day? Your shoes have a shine like the tiles on the Space Shuttle and the crease of your pants might have diced celery. The air was somewhat fresh, the birds chirpier. You have been hired. You've been given a chance to excel, a chance to make a difference.

Now contrast that with this morning.

Are you motivated to wake up every morning and go to your work with enthusiasm? After some time, most people end up making a compromise after another until they have resigned to mediocrity. It's darned hard to keep this first day will buzz.

BUT ... there is no reason why you can not either get a good measure of the first day feeling. You can motivate you to strive for excellence, and to make good use for all those whose lives touch on a daily basis. And you can back the love of your work.

It is to make the choice to do so.

Why You Need to Get Motivated, Find Your Enthusiasm, and Love Your Job Again

Have you ever met one to two years, which was not enthusiastic? We have packaged with it. And then ...

What happens to us?

What happens is that we make a choice. Some of us choose to make the effort to keep in touch with our enthusiasm and love for our jobs. Others find reason to lose contact with it - boredom, responsibilities, challenges, fatigue.

But here's the problem: the enthusiasm is the driving force behind every success. Without it, nothing happens big. If you choose to lose touch with your center of enthusiasm, you choose mediocrity. It's really that simple.

Of course, there are many reasons to curb your enthusiasm. But there are many reasons to return, including the celebration of your incredible good fortune. In the process you can do even better than wealth.

Here's How to Find Your Enthusiasm

Step 1: Start with the fact that you're not dead yet, that you were born at all, you have a job, and that compared to many people, you have a pretty darn good job.

Step 2: Now consider the circumstances of the excellent work you have. Write down your complaints and the five largest positive spin. For example, "My boss micromanage me" can be rephrased as "My boss cares about me enough time to my work when I need help."

If you really looking for your first day buzz again, be much closer to him now that you've been there ten minutes.

All this rethinking and reframing deleted a huge drain of energy in your life - you've probably not aware. It takes enormous amounts of energy to constantly reinforce your own sense of the victim. Excellence is much less expensive. Now that you feel rather lucky, what on earth are you going to do with all that energy?

How to play the Big Game you joined?

Now you just fill you with a lion's share of this precious thing called the human spirit, and not to invest in mediocrity. Then play the sense of bighearted game you've always dreamed of playing, the poor and leave to others. Get motivated and start loving your work again.

Roxanne Emmerich is known for its ability to turn "ho-hum" attitude of managers, executives, business owners and entrepreneurs like you in mass-based results "to include" attitudes. To discover how you can get inspired your work and love again, see his new book - Thank God It's Monday. Now you can get a free preview on